PKLOOT.COM Advanced Placement AP Courses – Video Reviews and Resources

This site is a combination of things, a resource for AP – Advance Placement students to watch review videos of chapters, the whole course, topics, test tips . It started with AP US History – and added other courses. Scroll down for links to courses reviews with hundreds of videos.

PK Loot also offers you George III half pennies. (PK = ProfessorKnowledge )

ProfessorKnowledge is NO longer on corrupt Amazon that cancelled account after 8 years of selling coins - They were making a TV show called LOOT for billionaires. They closed my account. I had name PK Loot first - since 2018. Hollywood, political thieves and Amazon corruption story of 2022 lack of sales. )

Did you listen to or go to see Hamilton? That’s King George the 3rd! singing songs in the play. He’s also the King of England that received the Declaration of Independence.

” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ”

full text

ProfessorKnowledge on Amazon - George III halfpennies Half Pennies with dates 1770 - 1775
1776 1775 COLONIAL /REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA COIN CURRENCY - REAL COIN USED IN 1775! George III Colonial Half Penny (British)

Half Pennies with 1775 date
1775 American Colonial Revolutionary War Era Coin - REAL COIN USED IN COLONIES! George III Half Penny (British)


REVIEW VIDEOS for book chapters, concepts, test tips, course review, resources.
Click course name.


AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles

AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC

AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics

Foreign Languages
AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP French Language and Culture
AP German Language and Culture
AP Italian Language and Culture
AP Japanese Language and Culture
AP Latin

History & Social Studies
AP Human Geography
AP US History
AP World History

AP Biology
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 2
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Physics C: Mechanics